- Digital Literacy and MOOCs: A Refugee Perspective. John Traxler & Timothy Read. Mobile Learning Week 17, UNESCO, Paris, 20-24 March 2017. (Link to presentation)
- The MOONLITE Project: MOOCs for Fostering the Social Inclusion and Employability of Refugees and Migrants. John Traxler, Timothy Read, Elena Barcena, Anne Tanhäuser, Katerina Zourou, Alastair Creelman & Darco Jansen. OER17: The Politics of Open, London, 5-6 April 2017. (Link to presentation)
- The role of mobile devices for language learning in the MOONLITE project. Timothy Read, Mª Dolores Castrillo & John Traxler. EUROCALL 2017 MALL SIG. Southhampton, 23-26 August 2017. (Link to presentation)
- Digital Literacy – Empowering Refugee Learners. Timothy Read & John Traxler. 24th Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C), Liverpool, 5-6 September 2017. (Link to presentation)
- The Potential of Language MOOCs for the Social Inclusion of Displaced People. Timothy Read, Elena Barcena, Jorge Arus & Beatriz Sedano. Conference Language skills for social and economic inclusion, Berlín, 12-13 October 2017. (Link to presentation)
- Presentation of MOONLITE project. Alastair Creelman. Open professional collaboration, Kaunas, Lithuania, 9-10 November 2017.
Open but not open enough: extending OER metadata to facilitate refugee access to open educational resources and practices. John Traxler, Timothy Read, & Elena Barcena. OER18 Open to all. Bristol, UK, 18-19 April 2018. (Link to presentation)
- The MOONLITE project: Linguistic integration of refugees and immigrants through MOOCs. Elena Martín-Monje & María Dolores Castillo. Presentation at XXXVI AESLA International Conference, Cádiz (Spain), 19-21 April 2018. (Link to presentation)
- Tailoring Language MOOC design for migrants and refugees. Beatriz Sedano, Timothy Read & Elena Bárcena. Presentation at Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains (TISLID 18), Languages for digital lives and cultures, Ghent, 24-26 May 2018. (Link to presentation)
- MOONLITE, or MOOCs for Scaffolding language learning for refugees and migrants. Elena Bárcena, Jorge Arús, Beatriz Sedano & Ana Ibáñez. Roundtable at Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains (TISLID 18), Languages for digital lives and cultures, Ghent, 24-26 May 2018.
- Immediate needs as a specific goal: collaboration between universities, support entities and refugees. Timothy Read, Elena Bárcena, Beatriz Sedano & Victoria Khraiche. Roundtable at XVII AELFE International Conference, Madrid, 28-29 June 2018.
- Adapting MOOC language design to the needs of migrants and refugees. Beatriz Sedano, Elena Bárcena & Timothy Read. Presentation at II International Conference on Language and Migration (2CILEI-18). Madrid, 29-30 November 2018. (Link to presentation)
- The symbolic value of languages and linguistic cultures in the learning of L2. Elena Bárcena & Beatriz Sedano. Roundtable at the Seminar “Training in the teaching of Spanish L2 to immigrants and refugees”. Universidad Complutense, Madrid, España. 10 December 2018. (Link to presentation)
Language MOOCs for Social Inclusion. Timothy Read, Elena Barcena & Beatriz Sedano. Presentation at Fifth International Conference of Language, Discourse, and Pragmatics (LDP 2019). Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran. 31 January – 2 February 2019. (Link to presentation)
Mobile Massive and Open Language Learning for Displaced People. Timothy Read. Presentation at the 7th International and 13th National Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching (ICELET 2019). K. N. Toosi University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. 20-21 February 2019. (Link to presentation)
MOOC for the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language to refugees and immigrants. Jorge Arús. Participation at the Conference “V Jornadas ELE UCM: ICT in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language”. Madrid. 19-20 March 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Is open online language learning appropriate for refugees and migrants?”. Timothy Read, Elena Barcena & Beatriz Sedano Cuevas. Presentation at OER 19 Conference “Recentering Open: Critical and global perspectives”, National University of Galway, Irlanda. 10-11 April 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Integrating Inclusive LMOOCs in the NGO Clasroom. Elena Barcena, Timothy Read & Beatriz Sedano Cuevas. Presentation at WCBL 2019 Conference “World Conference of Blended Learning”. Zayed University, Dubai, EAU. 25-27 April 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Language MOOC Design for Social Inclusion through the Lens of Maker Culture. Elena Martín-Monje, María Dolores Castrillo & Beatriz Sedano Cuevas. Presentation at CALICO Conference 2019 “Make it So/ Fais ce que doit”. Montreal, Canada. 21-25 May 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Analysing the Added Value of Social Networks in Language MOOCs. Timothy Read, Elena Barcena & Beatriz Sedano Cuevas. Presentation at CILIDI “Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Digital”. Universidad de Granada, Spain. 29-31 May 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Inclusive language in virtual communication with displaced people.Timothy Read, Beatriz Sedano Cuevas & Elena Barcena. Presentation at XVIII AELFE Congress. Universidad de Navarra, Spain. 20-21 June 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Inclusion as a common thread in the design and implementation of Spanish LMOOC for displaced persons: the case of Open Doors. Beatriz Sedano Cuevas, Elena Barcena & Timothy Read. Presentation at IV Congreso Internacional Nebrija en Lingüísica Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas. Universidad de Nebrija, España. 28-29 June 2019. (Link to presentation)
- Social Awareness in LMOOCs: Spanish for refugees and migrants. Elena Martín-Monje, María Dolores Castrillo, Elena Barcena, Timothy Read & Beatriz Sedano. Presentation at EUROCALL 2019. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 28-31 August 2019. (Link to presentation)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.