III MOONLITE MULTIPLIER EVENT: MOOCs as a tool for challenges in society
20 June, The Hague University (The Hague, Netherlands)
MOOCs have the potential to overcome legal, linguistic and financial barriers for an important part of society as an key step toward social inclusion, employment and entering higher education. The MOONLITE project promotes the large-scale uptake in Europe of MOOCs and creates learning and collaboration opportunities for different student profiles and MOOC providers.
To this end this project has developed guidelines and tools to support institutions in the development and delivery of MOOCs and has also interviewed practitioners and policy makers in this area. The results of which are a series of best practices and recommendations. These results were presented and discussed at the project multiplier event:
Best practice presentations on MOOCs for social inclusion and employment: the cases from MOONLITE.
Guidelines and tools for developing and costing MOOCs.
Policy recommendations for MOOC uptake at European, national and institutional levels.
Drafting “The Hague declaration on MOOCs as a tool for society” for a more viable and strategic role of MOOCs.
A networking event.
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-9:45 Opening and welcome (Alastair Creelman, LNU)
9:45-10:15 MOONLITE guidelines and tools (Alastair Creelman, LNU & Beatriz Sedano, UNED). Link to the presentation
10:15-10:30 Overview of policy recommendations (John Traxler, WVL). Link to the presentation
10:30-10:45 The Multinclude project (Edward van Os).
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:30 Online and blended learning for refugees – messages from the field (Meri de Campos, SPARK). Link to the presentation
11:30-11:45 Recognition of online learning in EHEA – status and recommendations (Katrien Bardoel, NUFFIC). Link to the presentation
11:45-12:15 Discussion on policy recommendations for MOOCs in Europe (Alastair Creelman, LNU). Link to the presentation
12:15-12:30 Summary and closure
Link to Padlet with some presentations and discussion: https://padlet.com/alacre/Hague