HOW to design and utilize MOOCs for refugees
Form and description
An open online course with accessible interactive learning resources that turns the following Project reports and tools into tutorials, videos, slide sets, etc.:
- Needs & supply analysis: MOOCs for access and progression into HE & employment market for students and refugees.
- The practice report on Exploiting MOOCs for access and progression into HEI & employment market.
- Cost-benefit analysis tool- Exploiting non-formal online courses (focus on MOOCs) for 2nd and 3rd mission of higher education.
The material will be put to use in a MOONLITE open online course engaging MOOC providers and refugee support groups and the output will also integrate outcomes of discussions, new ideas and collaborations that were sparkled through the course.
A list of topics that will be covered are:
- Accessibility: Mobile Learning and availability beyond course duration.
- Recognition within HEIs and access requirements.
- Scaffolding the acquisition of language skills for non-native speakers.
New areas for ideas and collaboration can cover:
- Recognition of acquired entrepreneurial and language skills in the labour market.
- Gaps of course topics targeted towards refugees directly.
For whom and for what is this for?
- The output will serve to inform MOOC providers at HEIs and elsewhere to adapt their offer to make it more directly useful for refugees and how MOONLITE scenarios could be implement at their institutions.
- The implementation of the open online course will also raise awareness among the various refugee support groups about the potential and strengths of MOOCs, what these courses have to offer to build entrepreneurial and language skills among refugees and how they can collaborate with the course providers to prepare new courses, facilitate the learning activities with refugees in existing courses, and get the message of the value of these courses across to the refugee community for future editions.
- It will also sensitize MOOC providers on the specific needs among refugees.
MOOC “The value of developing and using MOOCs for refugees and migrants in the European context” (first run dates: January 2019. This MOOC is available and permanently open without tutoring support):