A viable role of MOOCs in European HEIs – Vision & recommendations
This output consists of guidelines for policy makers at university level and at regional/governmental level how to maximise the potential of MOOCs for the educational system and for society.
The following activities were carried out within this output:
An annual survey (in 2017, 2018 and 2019) amongst high education institutions about their strategies of applying MOOCs, and the potential use for refugees and those (potentially) left behind was launched and a report was published:
- 2017 Report “MOOC Strategies of European Institutions”.
- 2018 Report “MOOC Strategies in European Universities”.
- 2019 Report “MOOC status in European HEIs – with special reference to opening up education for refugees”.
In addition, 14 policy makers of regional and governmental bodies were interviewed about their educational policies in relation to the social dimension and how MOOCs can indeed contribute to this. These interviews also included questions related to possible intervention schemes at cross-institutional level to overcome possible barriers in MOOC provision or refugees and those (potentially) left behind.
Interview results and the survey results were discussed in three different focus groups.
In 2019 two online vision-building events were organised. These events were interactive online events, a webinar on the future of inclusive online education, and an online Oxford debate on MOOCs for refugees.
The final overall output is a set of recommendations to institutional policy makers, MOOC providers, national and European policy makers and includes The Hague Declaration, (Spanish version and German version), a document corresponds with the last project multiplier event held in The Hague.
The MOONLITE Policy Report on MOOCS for Social Inclusion
Maximising the potential and minimising the risks for designing and utilizing MOOCs for refugees